Siberia | Trailer

Movie: Siberia (2018)
Tagline: What would you sacrifice for love?
Story  By: Stephen Hamel
Written By: Scott B. Smith
Director: Matthew Ross
Music: Daniel Bensi, Saunder Jurriaans

Producers: Stephen Hamel, Braden Aftergood, Gabriela Bacher, Dave Hansen, Keanu Reeves
Cinematography: Eric Koretz
Production Companies: Buffalo Gal Pictures, Company Films, Summerstorm Entertainment, Endevaor Content
Distributed By: Saban Films
Screenplay: Scott B. Smith
Editor: Louise Ford

Please note that we’re only promoting the movie and do not intend any copyrights. All the rights are with ‘Saban Films’. You can watch the official trailer of the movie Siberia here:

Release Date: 13th July, 2018 (United States)
Language: English
Country: United States, Canada, Germany

Siberia is an upcoming romantic crime thriller. The film tells the story of an American diamond merchant, who travels to Russia to sell rare blue diamonds of questionable origin. As the deal begins to collapse he falls into an obsessive relationship with a Russian cafe owner (Ularu) in a small Siberian town. As their passion builds, so does the treacherous world of the diamond trade from which he is unable to extricate himself.

• Keanu Reeves as Lucas Hill
• Ana Ularu as Katya
• Pasha D. Lychnikoff as Boris Volkov
• Molly Ringwald as Gabby Hill
• Rafael Petardi As Pavel
• Aleks Paunovic as Yefrem

Line Producers: Rhonda Baker
Executive Producers: William V. Bromiley, Ness Saban, Shanan Becker, Christian Angermayer, Klemens Hallmann, Marc Hansell, Christopher Lemole,  Tim Zajaros, Wayne Marc Godfrey, Robert Jones, Phyllis Laing, Devan Towers, Jere R. Hausfater, Jeff Beesley, Cassian Hansen
Director of Photography: Eric Koretz
Production Designer: Jean Andre Carriere
Casting: Susan Shopmaker
Costume: Patti Henderson

You may also read more about the movie ‘Siberia’ and its updates here!

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